Legal Delivery Box Feedback Thank you for helping us improve our process. Please complete the questions below and submit once complete. Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Shipping BoxDid the shipping box arrive damaged or dirty?Choose oneYesNoPlease explainWas the shipping box difficult to open?Choose oneYesNoPlease explainAre there any parts of the shipping box that could be improved?Choose oneYesNoPlease explainLegal BoxDid the legal box arrive damaged or dirty?Choose oneYesNoPlease explainWhen you first opened the box what was the first thing you noticed?Did you notice a smell when you opened the box and/or moved around its contents?Choose oneYesNoDo you believe the smell was pleasant?Choose oneYesNoPlease explainCover LetterDo you believe the cover letter (i.e., letter on top of the leather folder) appears professional?Choose oneYesNoPlease explainAfter reading the cover letter do you believe it was professionally written?Choose oneYesNoPlease explainAfter reading the cover letter do you believe the instructions within the letter make sense?Choose oneYesNoPlease explainDo you believe the thickness of the paper is appropriate?Choose oneYesNoPlease explainDo you believe the color of the paper coordinates with the rest of the package?Choose oneYesNoPlease explainAre there any recommended changes you have for the cover letter?Choose oneYesNoPlease explainLeather FolderDoes the leather folder appear to be well made and professionally crafted?Choose oneYesNoPlease explainIs the logo on the leather folder too subtle in your opinion?Choose oneYesNoPlease explainDo you have any recommended changes specific to the leather folder?Choose oneYesNoPlease explainBeneficiary Instruction CardsDo you believe the beneficiary cards appear professional?Choose oneYesNoPlease explainAfter reviewing the beneficiary cards, do you believe the instructions of the card are clear?Choose oneYesNoPlease explainLayoutDo you believe the layout of the box could be improved?Choose oneYesNoPlease explainWhat are your thoughts on the crinkle paper?Choose oneNice touchCould be improved uponPlease explainDo you have any additional feedback that you believe would improve anything with the legal box?Choose oneYesNoPlease explain